Personal journal of a Christian woman
wvjcgirl's Articles In Current Events
January 8, 2004 by wvjcgirl
RURAL HOMELESSNESS AND FOSTER CARE: BUTTER ON THE BURN? Very little information has been given to the average American in regards to the rapid increase of homeless families in rural communities, and the leaning of the State to criminalize the parents for their plight by taking their children away and placing them in state appointed foster care homes. Although foster care can be a commendable solution in severe cases of child abuse and neglect, it is a poor solution to the...
January 8, 2004 by wvjcgirl
Causal Analysis: Causes of Child Labor “Oh, No! Not the Chocolate, Too!” Put down that chocolate! Do you know who picked those cocoa beans? It may have been a hungry little boy in Africa, according to a recent report released by the international human rights organization known as Global Exchange. The report details stories of young children escaping the Ivory Coast cocoa plantations, which grow 40 percent of the world’s cocoa, due to little food or pay and savage beatings. ...